Tuesday, May 7, 2013

DIY Scrubs

I love DIY beauty products. Not only are they cheap and available at home, but also easy to do! No harmful chemicals that can irritate your skin. :) 

Green Tea: has an extremely high antioxidant content with anti-aging effects. When applied to the skin, it repairs scar tissue and prevents wrinkles, blemishes and other impurities. It also helps with warts, psoriasis, acne, and rosacea. (Source: Glow Kitchen)


1 used/unused tea bag
1 tsp of facial wash 

I use this scrub once a week to help reduce dark spots on my face caused by overexposure to the sun. This scrub can be used on the body, feet, and hands as well. :)
1. Remove tea bag contents in a clean bowl. 
2. Add a teaspoon of your favorite cleanser. 
3. Mix them well to form a paste. 
4. Gently scrub on your face and leave it on for 5 minutes. Don't leave it on for too long because it might cause discoloration.  
5. Rinse off the scrub and pat your face dry. Apply moisturizer afterwards.  

Coffee: Coffee scrub treats redness, inflammation, gets rid of cellulite, mends broken skin, soothes irritation, revitalizes cells, improves circulation, and combats the occurrence of varicose veins (Source: Benefits of Coffee Scrub)

1 tbsp ground coffee
1 tbsp Muscovado sugar (or brown sugar)
1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

This can be used on a weekly basis. I use this mainly as a body scrub. The scent can be quite overwhelming and it can really wake you up most especially if you use it in the morning. :)
1. Pour a spoonful of ground coffee in a clean bowl. 
2. Add the muscovado sugar and olive oil. 
3. Mix well until it forms a paste. 
4. Scrub on dry troubled areas (elbows, knees, etc). 
5. Rinse off with water and pat dry. 

These DIY scrubs are so easy and convenient you can do it on your own. :) 

Check my previous post: Can't Live Without Products

I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below. :) 

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