Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Beat the Summer Heat

Taken from
Are you feeling the summer heat? Yes, it's that time of the year again when the sun's rays are in its extreme. 

Summer means beach beach beach! But it can also mean, heat stroke, sweating, and dehydration!! 

How do we beat the heat? Here are some ways: 

1. Stay hydrated
Drink lots of liquid most especially during summer. Drinking a cold glass of water can help lower down your body temperature. Being hydrated doesn't mean just drinking water. It can also be your favorite fruit shake, juice, milk tea, sports drink, yogurt, and ice cream. 

2. Stay indoors during the hottest part of the day
The sun's rays are extreme from 9 AM til 4:30 PM. Within these times, we should limit our activities indoors and stay away from the sun's heat. 

3. Cover up in the sun
Being under the sun for too long can make you feel light-headed and dizzy. Wear a sunscreen and a hat, cap, bandanna, or anything that can cover exposed skin from the sun. 

4. Dress appropriately 
Wear light, loose colored clothes as to let in the breeze. 

5. Keep it cool
Find ways to cool yourself. Stay in front of the fan or AC. Always bring with you a handy fan in case you're feeling hot and sweaty. A wet wipes is an instant pick-me-upper if you're sticky from all the sweating going on. It leaves your skin feeling cool and clean. 

Run your wrist under cool water to bring your body temperature down. Splash your face with water to feel cool or use a cold wash cloth to put over your forehead, face, or neck. 

6. Take a shower
It's one of the best ways to stay cool. Cold running water over your body can bring down body temperature and will help cool you down. Use products with mint as their main ingredient. Mint on your hair and skin is a good way to fight the heat. 

7. Hit the beach or go swimming
If you can't beat the heat, hit the beach! Wearing a bikini under a shade is a refreshing way to relax. Being under water, keeps our skin hydrated. 

8. Eat cool fruits
Instead of eating ice cream, you can get an alternative way to cool down by eating: cucumber, melon, watermelon, orange, and pomelo. 

Something to look forward to: What to Bring on a Camping Trip

Check my previous post: The Body Shop Spa Wisdom Africa

I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below. :) 


  1. This is great information for the summer months. So many people think that going out and drinking lots of water is the only thing you need to do for yourself. We always make sure we get our air condition repair guy in early to make sure we will have a working unit when it starts to get hot. We also make sure we stock up on water and sports drink when they go on sale during the spring so when summer gets here we have water to take everywhere. Thanks so much for this great list!

    1. It's important to stay hydrated and protected from the sun during the summer. Have a happy summer!! :)
