Tuesday, February 25, 2014

L'OREAL Lucent Magique Light Touch-up Pen

I have no bad words to say about this highlighting pen slash concealer because it is a very good product. It has a nice packaging (very expensive looking), it blends really well under the eyes, it conceals dark circles, it brightens the under eye area, it removes fatigue from your eyes, and it highlights the brow bone and cheek area. It has a dual purpose! But what I hate about it though is, it is not available in L'OREAL counters anymore. :( They have discontinued it since December (I think) and are not sure if they are going to bring it back. Why discontinue something that is oh-so-SUPERB?!?

So I guess this is not a review but a plea for L'OREAL to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring this back to the Philippines because I badly need this in my life. No exaggerations intended. 

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