Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Face Shop Black Head Clay Nose Pack

Hello! I'm back! I'm so in the mood to do a blog after my long hiatus. June was a very busy month that's why you weren't able to hear from me. July was even busier. But because of the "rest" we are experiencing right now, I have time to do a review on the new products I've been using. :) 

The nose pack comes in a powder blue tube. The front part has embossed letters and drawing. It's lightweight and easy to carry around. Ideal for traveling. As usual, the back part has words in Korean. However, the ingredients list and directions are in English (at least!)

Smells like glue. :-/ 

It comes in an off white color. 

It has a similar texture than that of glue. It is very sticky and may harden easily. 


Apply an even layer on nose area. Leave on 10-15 minutes or until it gets completely dry. Gently peel off from outer edges. 

I've tried it more than 4 times already and asked my boyfriend to try it as well. It is very easy to apply. A pea-sized amount would do (not unless if you have a ginormous nose ;P ). It spreads easily on the nose area and may feel a little tingling sensation on most parts. Once applied, it easily tightened and hardened. I let it sit for more than 15 minutes and gently peeled it off. On my first try, it was painful. :( Maybe because it was my first try but my tolerance to the pain lessened due to continued use. Yay! As I peeled it off, I saw white heads on the dried pack and a few black heads. :) But of course, it can't penetrate the deepest dirt on your pores. Don't expect too much. 

But so far, I like the product. It removes dirt from the upper top layer of the skin. It can give slight irritation to people with sensitive skin. So use with caution. :) 

Something to look forward to: Rainy Day Essentials

Check my previous post: The Body Shop Sweet Lemon Body Scrub

I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below. :)